Birds of the Trails
Birds to be found on the CWCBRT:
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Chesnut-banded plover/Rooiband strandkiewiet – Charadius pallidus
The Chesnut-banded plover is a common resident on the west coast shores. The chestnut-banded plover is a small African wetland bird which is named for the narrow, chestnut-colored band across its breast. This band joins a chestnut line which runs across the front of the head, and it distinguishes the chestnut-banded plover from other species of the same genus which inhabit similar regions. In addition to this striking coloration, the chestnut-banded plover is adorned with a bright white forehead, throat and belly and a greyish-brown back. Fine black lines extend from the male chestnut-banded plover’s beak to its eyes, and there is also a small black marking on the forehead. However, these black markings are absent in the female. Both the male and female chestnut-banded plover have a black bill and relatively long black legs. Immature chestnut-banded plovers have a duller or sometimes incomplete breast band, which is greyish rather than chestnut. The immature birds also lack any black markings on the head. Two geographically separate groups of chestnut-banded plovers exist and each one is considered a subspecises. The subspecies Charadrius pallidus pallidus is larger than Charadrius pallidus venustus, and its plumage is paler and greyer on the upperpart. The chestnut-banded plover gives a sharp ‘pii’ or ‘tooit’ call, as well as a complex series of trilled, nasal-sounding notes during the breeding season.
Flowers of the Trails
Flowers to be found on the CWCBRT:
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Between the 14th and 16th of September 2012, the town of Darling held its 95th annual Wildflower show. The Darling Wildflower Show has been presented by the Darling Wildflower Society since 1917, and the work is substantially done by volunteers. The work of the society focuses on two significant aspects of renosterveld, namely its unique character and the urgent need for its conservation. This has led to the recent founding of the Darling Wildflower Trust, and whilst continuing to support local charities, the income from the show now mainly goes towards conservation initiatives like the Darling Flora Project.
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Mammals of the Trails
Mammals to be found on the CWCBRT:
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Antidorcas marsupialis
Traits; Shoulder height 78 to 84 cm, mass between 36 and 50 kg. Both sexes have horns, which are lyre shaped and heavily ridged; the males’ horns are heavier and longer than the females’. They are both browsers and grazers. Independent of water, but will drink regularly if water is available. When startled the members of a herd dash in all directions with leaps that can take them 2 meters of the ground and cover 6 meters. They can sprint away at 88 km/h.
Reptiles of the Trails
Reptiles to be found on the CWCBRT:
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Snakes: Berg Adder/ Berg Adder (Bitis atropos)
Size: Adults reach an average length of 40 cm (max. 60 cm).
Description: A thick bodied snake with the head distinct from the body, but more elongated than other adders. The coloration is generally dark grey with a series of darker grey or dark brown half circles (flat side facing down) down the upper sides. Below this is a series of square to X-shaped dark grey or brown blotches. Both series of blotches are outlined with a thin white border. The top of the head normally has a spearhead-shaped darker marking, also outlined in white. The overall pattern effectively disrupts the snake’s shape.